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Kenneth Jarrett Singleton

Kenneth Jarrett Singleton is a thirty year old poet, playwright, and author. Prior to, "Exotic Neurotic," he had three of his books published. His first book was a science-fiction/horror novel called, "The Cadaver Factory." It was published in (2004) when Singleton was twenty years of age. His second novel, "The Donner Society," was published in (2005) the same year as his first play, "Angelica and Francesca." He currently resides in the state of West Virginia.
"Angelica and Francesca,"    By: Kenneth Jarrett Singleton
"Angelica and Francesca," By: Kenneth Jarrett Singleton
Angelica and Francesca - Kenneth Jarrett Singleton

Angelica and Francesca are the identical twin daughters of Pellrue, Duke of Doretay. Doretay is a state within a kingdom called Vidien, which Angelica's and Francesca's great uncle, King Oscar, rules. Pellrue attempts to keep control of his wicked, evil daughters as they keep entering his city and raising havoc by torturing and murdering the common citizens within. "Angelica and Francesca" is an excellent, dramatic play, which will never be forgotten.


